Why do you care?

There are plenty of resources to help an artist become a better artist, but how about becoming better at managing the artist as a business?? I think it’s super important and something I hope to help others with and possibly gain more insight for myself on how to do it better.
This is for the creative person trying to make a living being creative. This is also for me talking to the me in college and telling myself to not be afraid of numbers and math and of being a leader.
I started a business (with my adorable husband) based on our talents and a day job that we loved and met doing. This business utilized our talents AND paid us money (score!!). We started with just 50 families who came to our music classes and now we have over 2500 who come to our classes, book us for parties, and come to our shows. As well, as a pretty popular YouTube channel and brick and mortar music school and playspace in NJ.
Along the way I have become more interested in business and becoming better at it. This is not something I ever thought I would care about but Little Rockers has compltely changed me. Owning a business and owning my power has helped me with my purpose, which has always been creative and artistic but was never thought about ina real monetary way. Like being a a surviving thriving artist as a living! Yes! In college I was taught a bunch of things in my field (Butoh Dance and Suzuki Acting, anyone??) but I was never taught to think of MYSELF as a business and I am hoping to help others do that.
I am going to provide information, tips, tricks, and pick me ups to help the creative entrepreneur, which is any person pursuing a career in the arts. It is time to start thinking of yourself as a business owner because your business is YOU. It is not enough to think of yourself in a creative aspect but it is crucial to think of yourself as an industry- a money making creative industry!